This idea originated in 1985 when I was a student in Art school. It took a few years to realize. I was pondering the idea of using video and wondered if it was feasible to translate the horizontal lines of the videoimage into frequencies and use Frequency modulation as in my DX7 synthesizer to create electronic sounds. Together with technician Andries Lohmeijer, I entered the TARt festival organized by the University Twente early 1987. After this idea was selected from roughly 80 submissions, Andries had built a realtime working prototype from scratch in 8 weeks time. We won the first price! A voyage began, and since that first presentation this work has been presented in cities and different countries.
In a Pilot project the interface was tested and presented for innovative ways of learning language i.g. the gramatica of Dutch for NT2 course members, Dutch as second language students.
At the Cinekid Festival children could create and play their own drawings in a virtual world and thus realize their own creations as interactive video characters.
Since the Kinect appeared in 2010 and more specifically since the Kinect was hacked, projects were published on youtube with a striking similarity to many of the early projects presented as Kolmans Kube since 1987. Thats why I decided to put up this portfolio. I am currently producing new work.